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  • zofacspharmapvtltd@gmail.com




( Syrup / Capsule )


Highly effective for Irregular, painful menses, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, hysteria, infertility, backache, headache, general weakness, anaemia, loss of appetite, hot flushes, ovaritis & ovarian cyst, Uterine fibroid, Swelling, abdominal cramp, sweaty palms & soles and other conditions of ill health in females. Purifies & forms new blood cells for glowing skin & beauty. Reduces pelvic congestion and obesity due to irregular menses.It is a good remedy for Leucorrhoea. It is indicated in all menstrual disorders, leucorrhoea (whitish or yellowish discharge from the vagina), mental colic, Pruritus vulvae, vaginal dryness, vaginitis, or suffering from vaginal odour then try Leuconorm and feel that freedom again. Useful in loss of appetite, physical weakness and backache.

DOSAGE: 10-20 ml (2-4 teaspoonfuls) the drug is taken orally with lukewarm water twice a day after meals.

DOSAGE: 2 Capsules with water twice a day after meals, or as directed by the physician.